End Morning Sickness Ebook & Videos

Dizziness and Fainting ?

Dizziness and Fainting
When standing in one place you may feel dizzy or even faint.
The growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which causes your blood pressure to drop making you extremely light headed. 
Skipping meals or going too long without eating may cause you to feel dizzy or faint. When not eating frequently enough it causes low blood sugar. 
Blood sugar is the primary source of food for your baby so it will be depleted much more quickly. 
You want to eat frequent, healthy snacks to keep your blood sugar up. 
Stock up on portable lunch box foods you can take with you. Such as apples, bananas, grapes, yogurt cups, carrots and celery, cheese and crackers, small cartons of milk, juice boxes, granola bars, boxes of raisins, etc.